BTCMarket exchange 24 hours trading volume is $1,615,323 and has 6 trading pairs. BTCMarket exchangee secured Rank 40 in the cryptocurrency exchange market with a total volume of 0.01%.
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# | Currency | Pair | Price | Volume (24H) | Volume (%) | Trades (24H) |
1 | Xrp | XRP/AUD | $3.13 | $597,862 | 37.04% | 810 |
2 | Bitcoin | BTC/AUD | $104,825.46 | $483,089 | 29.93% | 700 |
3 | Ethereum | ETH/AUD | $3,307.49 | $458,035 | 28.37% | 478 |
4 | Litecoin | LTC/AUD | $122.18 | $71,070 | 4.4% | 75 |
5 | Ethereum Classic | ETC/AUD | $26.84 | $3,044 | 0.19% | 1 |
6 | Bitcoin Cash | BCH/AUD | $435.12 | $1,140 | 0.07% | 3 |
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